Monday, 3 March 2014

7 Step Online Reputation Management

Reputation Management understands the importance of having a positive image. Reputation management is the response to the reputation managing information. Bad postings, negative blogs, horrible testimonials in popular forums, unrealistic scam allegations and product reviews can potentially put a company out of business and this can eventually affect your reputation management and thus to meet this growing need internet reputation management was created.
  1. Identify stakeholders (customers, ex-employee, press, industry opinion leaders, competitors, grudgers)
  2. Conduct a reputation audit - cover search, social networking, portals, video, press, opinion and  complain sites
  3. Improve your online assets - you must own a minimum of 100 web pages linked to your or your company or product or product category name
  4. Define goals and create a strategy - address customer issue, contact websites for removal, develop new content
  5. Implement plan of action - dedicate a team with predefined yet flexible steps
  6. Monitor online reputation - set up auto alerts and scan internet regularly. Categorize all postings into good and bad 
  7. Repair and strengthen - Focus on addressal of complaints/negative posts and strengthening of web assets. Use web assets as a lead generation source to pay for ORM.